Traccia corrente

Selezioni musicali

RCA - Radio città aperta

Selezioni musicali

trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari

Scientist and the untouchables “da real storm”
Ibibio sound machine “sunray”
Fitness forever “dance boys”
Blondie “call me”
Blonde redhead “dripping”
Broken social scene “stay happy”
Feist “one evening”
Lambchop “jfk”
Hecta “sympathy for auto industry”
Laibach “sympathy for the devil”
Clock dva “beautiful losers”
Colder “cold hand bop”
The doors “you’re lost little girl”
Nico “my heart is empty”
Frankie Chavez “my religion”
Pink Floyd “fearless”

Intervista a Francesco Trento/volfango de biasi” per libro “crazy for football” longanesi editore

Republica “ready to go”
Big deal “kitty pride”
The drums “blood under my belt”
Adult jazz “eggshell”
Extra life “dream seeds”
Lucio leoni “le interiora di filippo”
The john pauls “the house husband stomp”
The cure “play”
The essence “confusion”

Pubblicato il: 11/10/2017 da Redazione Radio Città Aperta