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RCA - Radio città aperta

Selezioni musicali

Scaletta e Podcast FRIZZLE FRIDAY 3-11-2017

Scaletta e Podcast FRIZZLE FRIDAY 3-11-2017

Trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari

Andromeda mega express orchestra “le pretre virè”
Melanie de biasio “let me love you
Nick cave & the bad seeds “do you love me?”
Giovanni succi “sipario”
Paolo conte “diavolo rosso”
Giancane “disagio”
Lebowski “paolo ruba cuori”
The cult “resurrection joe”
Gold class “get yours”
Black angels “currency”
Red temple spirits “exorcism/waiting for the sun”
The cure “other voices”
The mission “wasteland”
Siekiera “ja stoje, ja tancze, ja walcze”
Trupa trupa “never forget”
Lcd soundsystem “American dream”
Vessels “mobilise”
Xenoula “caramello”
La vampires “how would u know”
Meg “olio su tela”
casino royale “ogni singolo giorno”
ak47 “spigoli di luce”
tricky “talk to me”
!!! “Throttle service”
Lali puna “birds flying high”
The jesus and mary chain “amputation”
Waterboys “santa fe”
Steve winwood “can’t find my way”

Pubblicato il: 03/11/2017 da Redazione Radio Città Aperta