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Addio Sid Haig, il Capitano Spaulding dell’horror “La casa del diavolo”

Addio Sid Haig, il Capitano Spaulding dell’horror “La casa del diavolo”

di Skatèna

È da poco giunta la notizia della morte di Sid Haig, l’attore e caratterista americano, celebre soprattutto per il ruolo di Capitano Spaulding nel trittico horror “La casa dei 1000 corpi” – “La casa del diavolo” – “Three from Hell” del regista Rob Zombie. Attore feticcio per quest’ultimo, era stato un volto del cinema action anni ’70 tanto che Quentin Tarantino lo aveva voluto nel suo “Jackie Brown”. 

Di seguito, il messaggio uscito sulla pagina ufficiale fb di Rob Zombie:

Last night I received a phone call I was dreading from Bill Moseley. He told me that our friend Sid Haig had died. It was shocking but unfortunately not unexpected. I’ve know for a long time how sick Sid was and what he was battling. Over the past year as I saw pictures of him still attending conventions I thought perhaps he had beat it, but last week when he returned to the hospital I feared the worst.

Sid and I had a long talk on the day that he told me of his condition and he knew 3 From Hell would most likely be his last appearance on screen. Sadly it was. I knew it was very important to Sid that Captain Spaulding make one more round and he did. Sid’s time the film is brief. He was in rough shape that day, but he made his scene very memorable.

I was fan of his as a kid watching Jason of Star Command all the way through our twenty years of working together. I can still clearly remember the first time we met. It was at the Edith Head Costume building at Universal. Sid came out of the dressing room wearing a clown suit which was a few sizes too small. We said hello then we both started laughing at how ridiculous he looked in his ill-fitting suit. We would find him a much better suit.

As we were making House Of 1000 Corpses neither of us knew he was creating a character that would live on and grow in popularity every year. Sid told me many times how thankful he was for the Captain and how that character changed his life. He had completely given up on acting and now suddenly had found a whole new audience at the age of 60. I know he was thrilled and blown away by that fact.

The Captain is gone… but he will never be forgotten.

Rest in Peace Sid

This photo is from March 14, 2018. The last time all of us were together.

Sid Haig, che recentemente aveva preso parte all’ottimo Bone Tomahawk di S. Craig Zahler, era stato ricoverato in ospedale lo scorso 6 settembre in seguito a un incidente: l’attore è caduto mentre si trovava nella sua abitazione e la situazione è precipitata nelle scorse ore. A dare l’annuncio della sua scomparsa è stata la moglie Suzie sui social: «Era il mio angelo, mio marito, il mio migliore amico e lo sarà per sempre. Adorava la sua famiglia, i suoi amici e i suoi fan. E’ uno choc per tutti noi. Come famiglia, chiediamo rispetto della nostra privacy e tempo per il lutto». «Ci ritroveremo di nuovo, la prossima volta. Ti amo».

Sono già centinaia i messaggi di cordoglio per la morte di questo attore iconico che è riuscito ad entrare nel cuore dei cinefili di tutto il mondo.




Pubblicato il: 23/09/2019 da Skatèna