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29 maggio 1980: esce “Too Drunk To Fuck” dei Dead Kennedys

29 maggio 1980: esce “Too Drunk To Fuck” dei Dead Kennedys
Went to a party
I danced all night
I drank sixteen beers
And I started up a fight
But now I am jaded 
You’re out of luck
I’m rolling down the stairs
Too drunk to fuck

Il 29 maggio 1980 i Dead Kennedys diedero alle stampe Too Drunk to Fuck (B-side The Prey), successivamente incluso nell’album/raccolta Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death del 1987.

Il singolo, caratterizzato dal possente riff in stile surf/garage rock del chitarrista East Bay Ray, e terminante con il “suono” di un uomo che vomita, raggiunse la posizione numero 36 nella Official Singles Chart britannica, nonostante alcuni negozi di dischi si fossero rifiutati di esporre il 45 giri a causa del suo titolo “volgare”.

Too Drunk to Fuck fu anche messo al bando dalla BBC Radio 1, che si rifiutò di trasmetterlo.

In un interessantissimo post pubblicato sulla pagina facebook Decade 77-87: a grown up disco, a proposito di questo brano si legge quanto segue:

Dead Kennedys’ convulsions of indignation and hysterical ravings assaulted the ears with the authority of a wrecking ball on a building.

Their album covers, posters and lyrics vomited up images of contemporary America with nauseous glee: worthless consumer goods, drugs, mass murderers, politicians, the neutron bomb, etc. all got a mention to make the U.S squirm. When the DKs said everything stinks, they meant everything.

This was roaring orthodox punk, minimum chords and maximum speed, with a frontman who was a distinctive and remarkable singer. Like Johnny Rotten, Jello Biafra thrived on extreme attitudes. Where Rotten’s snarl was more self-conscious than threatening, though, Biafra’s helium-voiced yelp sounded like a man about to explode from fright.

The video here is TOO DRUNK TO F UCK, Biafra taking a break from ripping apart the Reagan Administration and the Christian Right to sing about being too drunk to have sex.

Hysterical fun delivered at a blistering speed and, remarkably, a British Top 40 single in May 1981 despite receiving virtually no airplay.



Pubblicato il: 29/05/2019 da Skatèna