Chris Isaak svela i particolari “intimi” del videoclip “Wicked Game”
I’d never dreamed that I’d meet somebody like you
And I’d never dreamed that I’d lose somebody like you
26 giugno 1956 – Nasce il cantautore californiano Chris Isaak, divenuto famoso per il videoclip di Wicked Game.
Su, in un articolo del 3 marzo 2015, prima dell’apertura dell’allora ultima mostra della Rock And Roll Hall Fame “HERB RITTS: THE ROCK PORTRAITS”, è riportata l’intervista a Chris Isaak sul videoclip musicale di Wicked Game, che è stato diretto, appunto, dal grande fotografo Herb Ritts e girato alle Hawaii, e in cui compaiono lo stesso Isaak e la bellissima top model Helena Christensen.
Riporto uno stralcio di quell’articolo, in cui Isaak ha risposto a varie domande, del tipo: di cosa parla la canzone? A telecamere spente si è creata, tra te e la modella Helena, la stessa “chimica” che traspare dalla pellicola? Quale era la visione del regista/fotografo Herb Ritts riguardo al video?
RH: The on-camera chemistry with supermodel Helena Christensen seemed very convincing to people who saw the “Wicked Game” video…
CI: Helena is beautiful… she was, of course, beautiful when we saw her. But I thought she was really fantastic. She’s a great actress. She pretended to like me. I mean, we didn’t know each other, and I always feel like I have to explain to people: it’s a video, give the girl credit, Helena is a good actress. She wasn’t having sex with me, she wasn’t my girlfriend, but she put that energy out so much so that people always come up to me, to this day, guys will come up to me and they go: “Hey! You’re the guy… who’s the girl in the video?” – I know where they’re going before they start – “Helena Christensen. I was in it, too, but that’s who you want to know.” But people thought that we were really lovers.
She was a very good actress, a very beautiful women. When you think of like a beautiful supermodel, you think of people that are, you know, “I need another hour for my hair!” or something like that. Never. I never remember her holding up anything for any reason.
CI: It looks romantic in the video, but in real life, we’re on a beach… if you look at [Christensen’s] body, it has goosebumps on it. They were throwing buckets of cold sea water on us to keep us wet. And there was a little bit of wind, and she was freezing, I mean she was just shivering. When I’m holding her close to me, a lot of times I was just holding her feeling like, “you poor thing, hold on to me – you’d be warm at least.”
RH: What was your reaction when you first saw the finished video?
CI: We shot the whole video and afterwards, I remember they showed me the rushes and stuff, and they said we want your comments on the editing and everything. And I had the stupidest comment. People laugh at it, but it’s actually my comment. I said, “I love it, I don’t think they’re going to play it.” and [Ritts] said, “why?” I said, “I just don’t think it’s going to be sexy enough for them to play this.”
Now people have said it’s a sexy video later, but you got to remember: I’m in it. So every time I was in it, and they were showing me, I was thinking “that’s just boring and bad.” I said, “can’t you cut more of the girl in it, and get rid of me more?” And [Ritts] goes, “You have to sing the song!” … Luckily, it was Herb Ritts that I listened to instead of my own fears, and it came out good.
RH: What was it about Herb Ritts style that really made him unique, both as a photographer and director?
CI: [Ritts] was really, really good with lighting. I mean, you can have a photographer who has all the good ideas, but if they don’t get the right lighting and the right angles, you’re not going to look good. Herb Ritts, when he showed you a shot that he took, you went “ooooh” … he just knew where to turn people – the right angle, the right time, the right light. He was very good.