Scaletta e Podcast Alternitalia 8-2-2019
Scaletta e Podcast Alternitalia 8-2-2019
Pubblicato il: 08/02/2019 da Gianluca Polverari
Trasmissione di sola musica indipendente italiana condotta da Gianluca Polverari
Sonic Jesus “heaven”
Wilderness “the sea is my brother”
So Beast “fuzzlight”
Nastro feat. Alex Pad Masoko “viscount”
Orange Car Crash “mind the gap”
Il Fulcro “new York”
Jennifer Gentle “tiny holes”
I hate my village “presentiment”
Marsala “drowning into the void”
Paolo Tarsi “the rumble m”
PaperogA “gaylileo gayligay”
intervista ai “ Veeblefetzer ”
veeblefetzer “fango” feat. Lucio Leoni
veeblefetzer “la notte”
Veeblefetzer “again and again”
MARCH DIVISION “hearts on fire”
Mòn “calypso”
Deadline-Induced Panic “we have grown”