Scaletta e Podcast BLUE MONDAY 29-5-2017
Trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari
Alt-j “house of the rising sun”
Black angels “I dreamt”
Red temple spirits “the nile song”
Glass animals “youth”
Blossoms “honey sweet”
Mòn “lungs”
Slowdive “sugar for the pill”
Intervista e live set “silent carnival”
Silent carnival “last dream of a tree”
Silent carnival “a place (live a rca)”
Silent carnival “devotion (live a rca)”
Silent carnival “silk (live a rca)”
Ulrika spacek “silvertonic”
Tool “eulogy”
At the drive in “pendulum in a peasant dress”
New model army “winter”
Girl band “pears for lunch”
Intervista e live set “plastik”
Plastik “svplm”
Plastik “ da quando ho perso il mio (live a rca)”
Plastik “altalene (live a rca)
Plastik “da quando ho perso il mio”
Sex pizzul “st. Pauli”
Mogwai “coolverine”
Mokadelic “nest memories”
Orange8 “japanese room”
British sea power “bad bohemian”
The charlatans “different days”
Sleaford mods “messy anywhere”
Crescent “willow pattern”
Father john misty “ballad of the dying man”