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RCA - Radio città aperta


Scaletta e Podcast Blue Monday 6-11-2017

Scaletta e Podcast Blue Monday 6-11-2017

Trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari

Balthazar “do not claim them anymore”
all them witches “bulls”
fleet foxes “cassius”
Giovanni succi “salva il mondo”
Slowdive “everyone knows”
Protomatyr “boyce or boice”
Klimt 1918 “it was to be”
Necropolis of love “dance”
Minimal compact “next one is real”
Danse society “sensimilla”
Music for pleasure “drive”
World domination enterprises “trouble enough”
The Bolshoi “happy boy”
Nick cave & the bad seeds “skeleton tree”
Ulrika spacek “modern English decoration”
The xx “say something loving”
Lali puna “wonderland”
Liars “emblems of another story”
Sonic jesus “paranoid palace”
The horrors “it’s a good life”
The dream academy “love parade”
Prefab sprout “when love breaks down”
Nothinghill “house the moon”
Melanie de biasio “your freedom is the end of me”
Vessels “mobilise”
Hexenschuss “ngenerator”
Battles “summer simmer”
Public service broadcasting “all out”

Pubblicato il: 06/11/2017 da Redazione Radio Città Aperta