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RCA - Radio città aperta

Selezioni musicali

Scaletta e Podcast FRIZZLE FRIDAY 17-11-2017

Scaletta e Podcast FRIZZLE FRIDAY 17-11-2017

Trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari

Kevin morby “cry baby”

Intervista ad “andrea Laszlo de simone”
Andrea laszlo de simone “uomo donna”
Andrea laszlo de simone “sogno l’amore”

Hermetic delight “war is closer”
Gold class “bully”
Southern death cult “moya”
Lebowski “mi sento uh”
Vasco rossi “deviazioni/fegato spappolato”
Cachemira “sail away”
Lords of altamont “(ain’t no) revolution
Rolling stones “rip this joint”
The hives “hate to say I told you so”
British sea power “the voice of ivy lee”
Giancane “limone”
Alberto camerini “tanz bambolina”

Intervista a “fitness forever”
Fitness forever “andrè”
Fitness forever “dance boys”
Fitness forever “port gahlib”

Renato zero “mi vendo”
Joe victor “disco folk genial”
Ibibio sound machine “the pot is on fire”
Beach fossils “tangerine”
Slowdive “everyone knows”
Jaws of love “shrink”
Ducktails “in the hallway”
Deus “hotellounge”

Pubblicato il: 17/11/2017 da Redazione Radio Città Aperta