Scaletta e Podcast Frizzle Friday 21-7-2017
Scaletta e Podcast Frizzle Friday 21-7-2017
Pubblicato il: 21/07/2017 da Redazione Radio Città Aperta
Trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari
Anna of the north “someone”
Young magic “sleep now”
Slowdive “no longer making time”
Vinyl Williams “iguana city”
Linkin park “talking to myself”
Guns n’ roses “welcome to the jungle”
All them witches “3-5-7”
Roseluxx imparare ad attraversare la strada”
Franti “l’uomo sul balcone di beckett”
Japan suicide “nothing”
Whispering sons “time”
Bauhaus “the man with the x-ray eyes”
Clan of xymox “a day”
Intervista agli “artica”
Artica “panacea”
Artica “checkpoint charlie”
Artica “hellhead”
Winter severity index “5am”
Monowelt “red moon”
Das moon “gone”
Demdike stare “curzon”
Raime “stammer”
Cranck call love affair “what’s wrong yvette”
Baustelle “revolver”