Scaletta e Podcast Frizzle Friday 25-8-2017
Trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari
Joe volk “sirens”
Broken social scene “halfway home”
Foals “cassius”
Josy & the pony “let’s beer? Ok pony”
Noga erez “pity”
Intervsita a susanna stivali per “diva’s jazz”
Susanna stivali “fee fi fo fum”
Cettina donato trio “freedom”
Baba sissoko & nicodemo “ebi”
Mj guider “lit negative”
Slowdive “don’t know why”
Shijo x “drop”
Sara dietrich “non sto male”
Roseluxx “scimmia nuda”
Le belve “venerdì”
Paolo benvegnù “slow parsec slow”
Scisma “la petronilla”
Campos “opa”
Colombre “blatte”
Edda “benedicimi”
Ritmo tribal “vorrei e non vorrei”
Afterhours “plastilina”
The valium “emily davies”
Prettiest eyes “not ok”
Goat “goatband”
Mercury rev “very sleepy river”
John murry “wrong man”
Bruce springsteen “atlantic city”
Big deal “say yes”
Stone roses “I am the resurrection”
British sea power “bad bohemian”