Scaletta e Podcast Mercoledì Morning 10-4-2019
Scaletta e Podcast Mercoledì Morning 10-4-2019
Trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari
Pubblicato il: 10/04/2019 da Gianluca Polverari
Paint “plastic dreams”
Morrissey “wedding bell blues”
Jim jones and the righteous mind “o genie”
FEWS “paradiso”
Toy “last William of the day”
Urge overkill “girl, you will be a woman soon”
The horrors “press entry to exit”
Intervista Luca Bellizzi per primo festival cultura catalana
Cachemira “sail away”
Delafuria “delafuria”
Diseno Corbusier “golpe de amistad”
Liaisons dangereuses “los ninos del parque”
Geometric Vision “apocalypse queen”
The Underground Youth “collapsing into night”
Radiohead “daydreaming”
Velvet underground “venus in furs”
Rammstein “das model”
sonic youth “society is a hole”
Tim buckley “once I was”
Spacemen 3 “walking with jesus”
Billy bragg “greetings to the new brunette”
REMA – REMA “fond affections”