Scaletta e Podcast Mercoledì Morning 20-6-2018
Scaletta e Podcast Mercoledì Morning 20-6-2018
Pubblicato il: 20/06/2018 da Gianluca Polverari
Trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari
shame “gold hole”
Anna Calvi “don’t beat the girl out of my boy”
Interpol “the rover”
Spiritualized “I’m your man”
Pram “shimmer and disappear”
CALIBRO 35 “agogica”
Intervista a “ Starship 9 ”
Starship 9 “berlin”
Starship 9 “Andromeda”
Starship 9 “dust and flowers”
Lay Llamas “cults and rites…”
The Zen Circus “il fuoco in una stanza”
Tommaso Di Giulio “a chi la sa più lunga”
Father John Misty “just enough dumb to try”
Josh T. Pearson “the dire straits of love”
Kadhja Bonet “delphine”
Cocteau Twins “ivo”
Iceage “catch it”