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RCA - Radio città aperta

Selezioni musicali

Scaletta e Podcast Mercoledì Morning 28-6-2017

Scaletta e Podcast Mercoledì Morning 28-6-2017

Trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari

At the drive in “pendulum in a peasant dress”
Higher authorities “another time another place”
Roger waters “smell the roses”
Black angels “hunt me down”
!!! “dancing is the best revengte”
Ibibio sound machine “give me a reason”
Edda “picchiami”
Paolo bencegnù “goodbye planet earth”
Claudio lolli “gli uomini senza amore”
Motta “mio padre era comunista”
Tiromancino “la descrizione di un attimo”
Lucio dalla “balla balla ballerino”
Krisma “many kisses”
Chromatics “healer”
Pleasure symbols “control”
Cigarettes after sex “each time you fall in love”
Crescent “ac30”
Crescent “light will pour from our eyes”

Intervista a david per “ostia palusa do it yourself fest”
Ovo “eternal freak”
Lili refrain “kowox”

Anna of the north “oslo”
Postiljonen “supreme”
Cocteau twins “bluebeard”
Slowdive “slomo”
Mother love bone “this is shangr-la”
Soundgarden “fell on black days”
Algiers “Cleveland”
Veil of light “cut fingers”
Jenny lee “never”

Pubblicato il: 28/06/2017 da Redazione Radio Città Aperta