Scaletta e Podcast MERCOLEDI’ MORNING 4-7-2018
Scaletta e Podcast MERCOLEDI’ MORNING 4-7-2018
Pubblicato il: 04/07/2018 da Gianluca Polverari
Trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari
Anna burch “cool”
Saint etienne “magpie eyes”
Simple minds “summer”
Rvg “Vincent van gogh”
Waterboys “the pan within”
Paul mccartney “come on to me”
Carlo Noja Barbagallo “rust”
Soundgarden “4th of july”
SPIRITUAL FRONT official page “children of the black light”
Il Muro del Canto “la vita è una”
Paolo Benvegnù “macchine”
Roberto vecchioni “hollywood hollywood”
Claudio lolli “antipatici antipodi”
Engel der vernichtung “en dansant de la fin de la vie”
Sdh “your right hand”
Sixteens “first place”
Christian death “spiritual cramp”
Adolescents “kids of the black hole”
shame “gold hole”
Underworld & iggy pop “I’ll see big”