Scaletta e Podcast Mercoledì Morning 5-12-2018
Scaletta e Podcast Mercoledì Morning 5-12-2018
Pubblicato il: 05/12/2018 da Gianluca Polverari
Trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari
Cherry Glazerr “trash people”
The Fresh & Onlys “wolf life down”
The drums “heart basel”
Wild Nothing “through windows”
Ought “disaffectation”
Ought “these 3 things”
MERIDIAN BROTHERS “cumbia, eres la cumbia”
Pram “footprints towards zero”
Intervista “ Battan l’Otto ”
Battan l’otto “rebel girl”
Battan l’otto “uelli uella”
Battan l’otto “for a thousand years”
Krank “sogna ancora”
Giorgio Canali “aria fredda del nord”
Sherpa “creatured from ur”
Slint “washer”
Kristin hersh “loudmouth”
Gui Amabis “ruivo em sangue”
Bixiga 70 “levante”