Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 10-9-2018
Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 10-9-2018
Pubblicato il: 10/09/2018 da Gianluca Polverari
Trasmissione di noise, psichedelia, post punk elettronica condotta da Gianluca Polverari
Charlie looker “ritual fire”
Idles “never fight a man with a perm”
Joy division “candidate”
Style sindrome “the song that never ends”
Bu bu sex “great expectations”
TT “safe”
Islaja “sydanten ahmija”
Mira calix “the stocholm syndrome”
So beast “sleepy you”
Dead can dance “the host of seraphim”
Dead can dance “children of the sun”
Dark arts “quicksand”
The horrors “in and out of sight”
Hookworms “opener”
The comet is coming “new age”
Hood “they removed all trace…”