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RCA - Radio città aperta


Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 16-9-2019

Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 16-9-2019

Trasmissione di noise, psichedelia, post punk elettronica condotta da Gianluca Polverari

Jon hopkins “neon pattern drum”
Dj marcelle “respect my snack foods”
Debbie harry “jump jump”
The cars “double life”
!!! “Serbia drums”
Follakzoid “II”
Mata “the block”
The messthetics “touch earth touch sky”
Ronin “bruto minore”
Tiresia “z to a”
Kim Gordon “ai bnb”
Southern death cult “moya”
The murder capital “green and blue”
The murder capital “feeling fades”
Fontaines d.c. “hurricane laughter”
Girl band “shoulderblades”
U2 “a sort of homecoming”
Virgin prunes “Caucasian walk”
Black midi “reggae”
Long fin killie “love smothers allergy”
Extra life “secular works”

Pubblicato il: 16/09/2019 da Gianluca Polverari