Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 18-2-2019
Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 18-2-2019
Pubblicato il: 18/02/2019 da Gianluca Polverari
Trasmissione di noise, psichedelia, post punk elettronica condotta da Gianluca Polverari
Death And Vanilla “zy and choule”
Midnight Sister “showgirl”
Sterbus “home planet gone”
Pram “electra”
A primary industry “beacon hill”
A primary industry “madder rose”
Intervista “ Be Forest. ”
Be forest “empty space”
Be forest “atto 1”
Be forest “sigfrido”
Xiu xiu “the wrong thing”
Immersion “ms19”
Wire “over theirs”
Fastlane Candies “c’est alvie”
Toy “the last warmth of the day”
Foals “exits”
Jim Jones and the Righteous Mind “o genie”
Iceage “catch it”