Scaletta e Podcast PUZZLE 2-8-2017
Trasmissione di noise, psichedelia, post punk, elettronica condotta da Gianluca Polverari
Institute “only child”
Uniform “habit”
Laibach “das gluck”
Front line assembly “lurid sensation”
Bourbonese qualk “this”
Bader motor “disappear in emrika”
Ninos du brasil “o som de ossos”
Arnaud rebotini & christian zanesi “blixa”
Young gods “kissing the sun”
Nonkeen “glow
Eraldo bernocchi & netherworld “hyosetsu”
Selffish”biting grief”
Das moon “rain”
Ladytron “playgirl”
Austra “43”
The knife “without you my life would be boring”
The dwarfs of east agouza “baka of the future”
Anarchist republic of bzzz “the 3rd extremist”
Avec le soleil sortant de sa bouche “trans pop express”