Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 23-7-2018
Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 23-7-2018
Pubblicato il: 23/07/2018 da Gianluca Polverari
Trasmissione di noise, psichedelia, post punk elettronica condotta da Gianluca Polverari
Cosmo Sheldrake “wriggle”
Pram “thistledown”
Pram “across the meridian”
King crimson “epitaph”
Protomartyr “same face in a different mirror”
Joy division “the sound of music”
The fall “wings”shame “the lick”
Shame “the lick”
VON SPAR “xaxapoya”
Shy Layers “test pattern”
Nabihah Iqbal “eden piece”
Nabihah Iqbal “zone 1 to 6000”
Tresque “tre cavalli”
Potter-natalizia-zen “linda” ( Guido Zen )
Lay Llamas “coffins on the tree, a black braid on our way to home”
Spunk “strobe lights from paradise”