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Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 23-7-2018

Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 23-7-2018

Trasmissione di noise, psichedelia, post punk elettronica condotta da Gianluca Polverari

Cosmo Sheldrake “wriggle”
Pram “thistledown”
Pram “across the meridian”
King crimson “epitaph”
Protomartyr “same face in a different mirror”
Joy division “the sound of music”
The fall “wings”shame “the lick”
Shame “the lick”
VON SPAR “xaxapoya”
Shy Layers “test pattern”
Nabihah Iqbal “eden piece”
Nabihah Iqbal “zone 1 to 6000”
Tresque “tre cavalli”
Potter-natalizia-zen “linda” ( Guido Zen )
Lay Llamas “coffins on the tree, a black braid on our way to home”
Spunk “strobe lights from paradise”
Pubblicato il: 23/07/2018 da Gianluca Polverari