Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 3-9-2018
Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 3-9-2018
Pubblicato il: 03/09/2018 da Gianluca Polverari
Trasmissione di noise, psichedelia, post punk elettronica condotta da Gianluca Polverari
L’avis g821 “mns”
Ron morelli “laugh teller”
Cienfuegos “encantada”
Kareem lotfy “asmar”
Laika “if you miss”
Pram “electra”
Stereolab “the light that will chease to fail”
Crescent “light will pour from our eyes”
Klaus mittfoch “strzez sie tych mieijsc”
Nick cave & the bad seeds “jack the ripper”
Iceage “showtime”
Anika “terry”
Exploded view “sleepers”
Anna calvi “alpha”
Marie Davidson “so right”
The empire line “herrensauna”
In camera “apocalypse”
Rainbow island “jiang”
The immersive project “tiefer”