Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 30-8-2017
Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 30-8-2017
trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari
Noveller “a pink sunset for no one”
Mj guider “their voices clear now”
Durutti column “sketch for dawn I”
Dif juz “echo wreck”
Fleet foxes “crack up”
Sivu “lonesome”
Crescent “lightbulbs in the trees”
Tindersticks “hey Lucinda”
Darkness falls “midsummer wall”
Lola colt “moonlight medicine”
Dark arts “fractions”
Dark arts “oceanus”
Number 4 joystreet “arctic chill”
Roseluxx “sankhara”
The telescopes “something in my brain”
Liars “no help pamphlet”
Amen dunes “lonely Richard”
Nightlands “lost moon”