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RCA - Radio città aperta

Selezioni musicali

Scaletta e Podcast PUZZLE 7-12-2016 con Gianluca Polverari

Scaletta e Podcast PUZZLE 7-12-2016 con Gianluca Polverari

f.a.t “silex”
hoax hoax “amaterasu”
paul newman “Hampton kicks”
the roots of orchis “sunlight stupor”
sweep the leg Johnny “please give me roses before”
long fin killie “love smothers allergy”
bows “Britannica”
bows “Blush
boymerang ”soul beat runna”
bark psychosis “absent friend”
talk talk “after the flood”
o.rang “nahoojek-fogou”
dead can dance “frontier”
cindytalk “circle of shit”
raime “coax”
Lourdes rebel “netske”
Holypalms “old monkey forest


Pubblicato il: 08/12/2016 da Redazione Radio Città Aperta