Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 7-5-2018
Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 7-5-2018
Pubblicato il: 07/05/2018 da Gianluca Polverari
Trasmissione di noise, psichedelia, post punk elettronica condotta da Gianluca Polverari
Preoccupations “antidote”
Trupa trupa against breaking heart…”
Iceage “catch it”
Iceage “hurrah”
Swervedriver “deep seat”
Mint field “ojos en el carro”
Kaitlyn Aurelia smith “a kid”
The knife “silent shout”
Virginia wing & xam duo “good roads fair weather”
Esben & the witch “light streams”
Pink Floyd “careful with that axe Eugene”
Hookworms “form and function”
Hookworms “ullswater”
Moon duo “mirror’s edge”
Vive la void “red rider”
Oviformia sci “hablamos des nosotros” da “interferrencias vol.1”
Suuns “peace and love”
Na na na na “consequences”
Bunuel “the roll”