Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 8-7-2019
Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 8-7-2019
Pubblicato il: 08/07/2019 da Gianluca Polverari
Trasmissione di noise, psichedelia, post punk elettronica condotta da Gianluca Polverari
The brian jonestown massacre “tombes oubliees”
Anatolian weapons feat. Seirios savvaidis “chaire eos”
Wooden shjips “we ask you to ride”
Kyuss “green machine”
Nots “built environment”
Bush tetras “cowboys in Africa”
Pill a.i.y.m.?”
B boys “closer”
Fontaines d.c. “television screen”
Girl band “shoulderblades”
Girl band “why they hide their bodies under my garage”
Sleaford mods “stick in a five and go”
Public image limited “memories”
Killing joke “unspeakable”
Deflore feat. Jaz coleman “party in the chaos”
Test department “landlord”
Anthony Laguerre “III”
Ifriqiyya electrique “moola nefta”
Dj Marcelle/another nice mess “hippies use side door”
Ninos du brasil “o som de ossos”