Scaletta e Podcast PUZZLE del 22-2-2017
Trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari
Tumido “nuuk”
Sudden infant “wolfli’s nightmare”
Anarchist republic of bzzz “all one”
Bourbonese qualk “gag”
Bourbonese qualk “confrontation”
Bourbonese qualk “vac”
Test dept “51st state of America”
Owun “tom tombe”
The conformists “meow”
Pontiak “herb is my next door neighbor”
Mind over mirrors “splintering”
Lilly joel “ruben’s tree”
Beehive plans “hypnotics”
FLeUR “last contact”
Kim myhr “peel me”
Idea fire company “the life of the party”
Savaging spires “sunrises”