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RCA - Radio città aperta


Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 16-4-2018

Scaletta e Podcast Puzzle 16-4-2018

Trasmissione di noise, psichedelia, post punk elettronica condotta da Gianluca Polverari

The immersive project “blauwer”
Vår “world fell”
Iceage “catch it”
Contour “year of the hunter-untitled 1”
Marching Church “up for days”
Pagan youth “one litre”
Sexdrome “insect in every hole”
Intervista a Francesco Nunziata per libro “captain mask replica” Arcana Edizioni
Captain Beefheart “moonlight on vermont”
Captain beefheart “china pig”
Shock Headed Peters “the kissing of gods”
Shock headed peters “heartbreak hotel”
SPIRITUAL FRONT official page “the abyss heaven”
Chui Wan “the sound of wilderness”
DA BANG “love becomes the ghost in the back of your head”
Joe D’Elirio and the Exxess “marylin pills”
Celery price “tra il mare e la notte” da 391 Marche
Protomartyr “my children”
shame “friction”


Pubblicato il: 16/04/2018 da Gianluca Polverari