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RCA - Radio città aperta

Selezioni musicali

Scaletta e podcast “Thursday the new Friday” del 18-10-2018

Scaletta e podcast “Thursday the new Friday” del 18-10-2018

Trasmissione condotta da Sanja Babic

Julia Jacklin “Body”
Ultracrush “Swimming”
Tears Run Rings “Helios Heliadae”
Dev Ray “Palaces”
Small Feet “A Little more dead in the nerves”
Bodega Sisters “No other”
the tumbledryer babies “My Life, the open wound”
Katrina Stonehart “You allready know”
Grand Blue Heron “Come again”
Marbled Eye “Open hand”
Exploded View “Sleepers”
Motorama “No more time”
Sonicatomic “Quasar”
The Strange “Last summer song”
Hugo Race “Ballad of easy rider”
Girlpool “Where you sink”
Songs Ohia “Lioness”
Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions “Drop”
Sara Forslund “Hard”
Rosie Caldecott “Underground”
The Yearning “You stopped the world”
Soap&Skin “Wonder” / “Heal”
Steven Doman “Cédrière”

Pubblicato il: 18/10/2018 da Redazione Radio Città Aperta