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RCA - Radio città aperta


Trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari All them witches “bruce lee” The black angels “comache moon” Gojira”flying whales” Margaret catcher “we want more” Valerian swing “a leaf” Fleet foxes “third of may/odayghara” Carlo barbagallo “11 dreams” Temple of the dog “say hello 2 heaven” Sergio beercock “century” Cigarettes after sex “apocalypse” Velvet underground “Sunday morning” Waves […]

Trasmissione di noise, psichedelia, post punk, elettronica condotta da Gianluca Polverari Islaja “chaos pilot” Das moon “the kill” Slowdive “slomo” Collegamento con silvia zacchini per “rockerilla” The charlatans “plastic machinery” Twinesuns “pneuma” Intervista “holy pieces” Holy pieces “doctrine” Holy pieces “chasin the dragon” Holy pieces “fog of nemesis” Olivier Lété “dude dad” Holy fuck “crapture” […]

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